Imagine this…
These sure are strange times we’re living through and I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.
As much as this time has created a lot of upheaval, it has also created some interesting opportunities.
Before the pandemic hit I was in the process of developing a brand new business building program just for the graduates of my Brilliant Coach Training and Certification Program.
This program was originally exclusively for members of the coach training program but given the current circumstances, I’ve decided to dramatically compress the timeline (without reducing any of the content) and to open the doors to other coaches, consultants, creatives and other service entrepreneurs too.
Because I want you to be able to use this time while you #staysafestayhome to completely revolutionise the way you think about, and take action in your business.
And I want you to finally start achieving all the success you know deep down you deserve.
I want that for you…
And I’m pretty sure you want it for you too 🙂
I already have a number of my coach training students attending so I can only accept a few extra people into the program.
And I’d love for you to be one of them.
This business building intensive will focus on all three elements of a seriously successful business: strategy, mindset and implementation, and it will take you out of overwhelm and teach you exactly what you need doing if you want to stop going around in circles and start building a seriously successful business as a coach, consultant or creative.
Here’s just some of what we’re going to work on:
1. Most people fail before they begin by never really getting clear on who they serve and what they offer, so we’ll begin by defining your ideal client and getting a true understanding of exactly what challenges or problems they are experiencing and the impact these issues have on them.
2. Next we’ll turn the lens inward and look at what it is you really have to offer and why you are the perfect person to solve these problems for your clients. Once you own your wisdom, experience and expertise, it will be so much easier to stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract all the clients you need.
3. No matter what business you’re in, you can’t succeed without clients, so we’ll make it our mission to find out where your clients are, what you need to say to them and how to get your message to them in a truly compelling way.
4. Then we’ll dive deep as I uncover your true brilliance and help you to design a signature system or methodology that establishes your expertise and demonstrates exactly how you can solve your client’s challenges with ease.
5. Once you understand the real value of your expertise, we’ll develop a structured program that promises a solution to your client’s most pressing issue and explains exactly why you are the perfect person to solve it.
6. There’s no hiding from it… you are going to have to sell if you want to succeed in business, so I’m going to teach you my exact process for selling your services in an authentic way, so you can guide someone from potential client to paying customer in a way that feels comfortable to you and has them saying ‘yes’ every time.
7. Now that you’ve harnessed your wisdom and boosted your confidence, we’ll establish a price point for your offer that you feel confident selling and empowered receiving… one that gets you away from trading time for dollars and has you and your clients recognising the true value your services bring.
8. It’s so much easier to make more money from an existing client than it is to find a new one, so I’ll be teaching you how to create the kind of transformative experience for your clients that exceeds the promise of your offer and leaves them wanting to invest even more in your services.
9. Lastly, and probably most importantly, I’ll guide you as you step into your personal power, step up to your fullest potential and embrace your ability to be the best advertisement your business could ever have.
Any one of these facets can act as a lever, triggering a significant up-leveling in your business success, and my experience is that the cumulative effect of activating each of these levers is the difference that separates the successful from the rest.
But we’ll take things one-step even further when I help you to create an action-focused profit plan so you know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it, to take your business from where it is now, to where you really want it to be.
For the month of May, I’ll be working with this small group personally…
And, in case you’ve lost track of the days… that means we’re starting next week!
I’ll be investing a lot of time and energy in this program and I only want to work with a handful of people who are willing and able to take action and really get results.
Here’s how it will work…
Rather than spending three months slowly working your way through this content, this will be an Intensive format and run during the month of May.
The program will be in two stages:
Stage 1: Intensive Learning (1 week)
Every day for the first week, I’ll teach you TWO of the nine success levers. We’ll get together as a group on Zoom to talk about it and brainstorm the specifics of refining and polishing these facets in YOUR business…so you can customise what you are learning and put it all into action.
Session 2 of the final day will be the creation of your Profit Plan. This is your unique step-by-step business model and will show you exactly what to do to get you to maximum profit in the minimum amount of time… and with zero wasted effort.
This will be an intensive week of learning and we’ll be spending about 2hrs together each day – you’ll then have the rest of the day (or evening depending on your other commitments) to work on implementing what you’ve been learning.
Imagine attending a residential program… from the comfort of your own residence 🙂
And if you can’t attend any of the sessions live, don’t worry – you’ll receive a recording of the session the very same day so you can catch up when it works for you.
Stage 2: Powerful Application (3 weeks)
Then for the following three weeks, we’ll meet twice a week, every week as a group on Zoom Coaching Call to discuss your progress, tweak and refine your efforts, and answer any questions you have.
I’ll be spending one-on-one time with you during the coaching calls to make sure we maximise your results.
Imagine making three months’ worth of progress in your business in just four short weeks!
I really want this month-long intensive to set up your success for the rest of the year so the more you take action, the more I’ll work with you 🙂
The total cost for this program is regularly US$4500 but for this one time only intensive version, I have reduced the price to $1500… that’s all the content for just one-third of the price.
I’d love for you to join us for this Intensive.
Just email me and say “I’m in!”… and we’ll take it from there.
Have a brilliant day!