Who will you be when you leave your cocoon?
I had the craziest thought
the other day…
I mean it seemed crazy at the time,
but on reflection, perhaps not so much.
You see, here in Australia where I am based our geographic isolation has been a huge advantage in our battle against COVID-19. That isn’t to say people aren’t suffering, that their hasn’t been hundreds of thousands of job losses and tragically loss of life too…
But we are ‘flattening the curve’ and overnight our media seemed to switch from doom stories to progress stories.
From the sky is falling to the sun is about to rise.
Of course, the headlines continue to flip and flop and the hows and whys of newspaper headings are a conversation for another day, but what struck me as I read headlines that went from saying I would be living in relative isolation for six months to the idea that it might be over much sooner than that, was that I didn’t feel ready for it to be over.
Don’t get me wrong.
I am VERY ready for there to be an end to the terrible illness and physical suffering and I am counting down the minutes until all the people who have had their livelihoods put on hold can return to work…
But I felt like I wasn’t ready to leave my little cocoon. That I wasn’t ready for my personal #stayhome state to end.
Which felt crazy.
But also very sane.
We’ve all been forced off our treadmill in the most violent and shocking way.
But I found myself feeling, now that the shock has receded and I too and getting used to this ‘new normal’ way of life, that I hadn’t had the chance to fully benefit from it yet.
That this seismic shift in the way we are living had the potential to create profound change on both an individual and global level but that for change to be sustained it has to occur over time.
Right now, from my privileged position of physical, environmental and economic safety, I feel like I’m in a cocoon.
A cocoon where new ideas can develop, new ways of being can evolve and new potential can be explored.
One I’m not ready to emerge from…
Can you relate?
When you’re ready here are three ways I can help you to get more out of life:
1. Join my private Facebook Group – Permission to Shine
This is my private Facebook group for people who want more happiness, more success and more time to catch their breath… not instead of, but as well as everything else that matters in their life.
Get away from the naysayers and come and hang out with people just like you.
Click here to join
2. Join the next intake of the Brilliant Coach Training and Certification Program
This in-depth coach training program is for people who know they are living their most brilliant life when they are helping others live theirs. If this sounds like you, email me, with ‘It’s my time to shine’ in the subject line and I’ll make sure you’re the first to know when enrolments open.
3. Work with me privately
If you’re looking for a coach/mentor and you’d like to work directly to get more out of your business (and your life) email me with ‘Private’ in the subject line. Tell me all about your business and what you’d like to work on together and I’ll get you all the details.