BRILLIANT COACH PROGRAM is my brand new training and certification program for people who know they are living their most brilliant life when they are helping others live theirs.
As a coach, you will learn to stop trying to fix things that aren’t really your problem. You’ll get much clearer on what your responsibility really is and discover a new way of ‘helping’ people that empowers them to help themselves.
To become a good coach it is important that you have excellent coaching skills,
but to become a BRILLIANT COACH you also need to have an understanding
of the client’s experience and a process with which to guide their progress.
The Program is highly practical and experiential, with a focus on developin the skill and knowledge you need to be a brilliant coach.
It includes an optional Certification as a Brilliant CoachTM for people who have always dreamed of becoming a professional coach and want to develop world-class coaching skills and a powerful methodology to use with their clients.
Can’t find what you’re looking for here?
Contact us to enquire about a VIP Day or private client coaching program.
It’s time to say goodbye to ‘fine’ forever and make yours a brilliant life!
After realizing that I undervalue myself and the work I do; this positive, realistic course motivated me to really make an effort to be grateful for all the great things in my life and the impact that positive self-talk has on each of our lives.”
“By checking in with my values and focusing more on my priorities, I feel lighter, happier and stronger.
I’ve learned the difference between goals and fantasies and this made me recognize that I have outdated goals that, for the time being, are fantasies that are a burden.
Domonique’s course is very strong in logic and offers mental shifts. Things are so well-worded. It has led me to notice my inner talk and to clear out blame and the need to be right or to make excuses.”
From now on, I will be treating myself with the same kindness and understanding that I would show a friend and before making choices or reacting to a situation, I am going to stop and think; even if it is just for a few seconds.”
I realized I did not have a clear plan in place for what I want from life so now I ask myself why I feel dissatisfied and what small steps I can take each day to bring about change.
I’ve also realised how much I really have to be grateful for in my life.“